As part of this tour, I was able to try out their bathroom spray and their concentrated cleaner in addition to the all purpose cleaner and dish soap that I reviewed earlier. The new products work just as great as I expected, and I will definintely continue using them.
If you visit their website - 30 Days to Natural - you'll have the opportunity to plant a daisy, watch some videos of other moms who took the pledge to go green in their homes, and be able to sign up for daily email tips. I have really enjoyed watching the videos and learning more about the moms they chose for the video campaign.
I am always looking for ways to reduce waste and live more naturally, so I appreciated the daily email tips. We use canvas and reusable bags on a regular basis when shopping already, and I do try to stay as natural as possible with cleaning products. I admit that we haven't done much farmer market shopping, but I would if there was one close by. The tips that are sent are useful and thought-provoking.
This campaign also came at a great time for me as this is traditionally the season we do a thorough house cleaning. Most people do a "spring" cleaning, but we usually do a "fall" cleaning because this is the time of year we can start opening our windows and spending more time outdoors. It feels good to be doing so much cleaning without the harsh smell and harsh effects of chemicals.
Check out their website! I bet you'll learn something new!
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