
Monday, September 15, 2008

Trying Again

Last week my schedule went to pot. I decided to be flexible and while we continued homeschooling it was very laid back. Things came up during the week that meant we didn't have big chunks of time at home, so even the household chores fell behind. It didn't help that I got sick over the weekend and lost the opportunity to catch up that I planned.

It's all okay, though. This is just life! This morning, I'm working on some of my freelance work, rewriting my to-do list, and taking advantage of the fact that DH doesn't have any calls until late afternoon. This week will be a bit more hectic, but it'll be mostly at home, so I hope to head into next weekend caught up and ready to work on some additional projects.

It's a new week, and time to start over. I'm letting go of my frustrations and anxiety of last week and expecting this week to go well. Wish me luck!

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