
Monday, August 18, 2008

bulleted update

I thought a bulleted list would be a fast way to remember all the things I have going on right now!
  • I'm still walking most mornings. I've missed a morning here and there, but my goal was to walk 4 days/week and I have definitely met that. I haven't let the heat keep me from walking outside, and blogged about some tips to exercise in the heat over at my Prevention blog.
  • We start homeschooling tomorrow. I'm ready, Colin is ready, Nate wouldn't mind if summer vacation lasted until October. We have a pretty full schedule ahead of us, but I think it'll be fun. Hopefully L will continue her good afternoon nap.
  • In addition to my Prevention blog, I've been seeking out more freelance writing work. I need to devote quite a bit of time to marketing and networking, but I can see it gaining some momentum and that's exciting!
  • The tenant in my parent's condo gave notice. I manage the condo for my parents, and I'm itching to get in there to see how much work needs to be done before it can be rented out again. Anyone looking for a 2 bedroom/1 bath in AZ?
  • I decided to continue leading mom's group at my church this year. It'll be the 4th year and I have gained some sweet friends from the group. I like to have the topics planned out for each meeting until the new year, so I have to sit down and plan that out. Unfortunately, to fit into my schedule better I changed the day -- and lost 3 of the moms I could always count on to come to meetings. The group had dwindled to 4 of us -- so that means I'll probably be starting from scratch again. That's okay -- I still believe this is an important ministry for our parish.
  • L is a typical 15 month old -- into everything, very vocal and easily frustrated. She doesn't want to ride in a stroller or be fed or do anything that may appear slightly dependent. It's a bit exhausting, but exciting to watch!
  • Beulah is fitting into our family nicely. The boys are great about helping make sure she gets outside often and we're working on her nipping. We are crate training her, and she's doing wonderfully -- very few accidents in the crate and we're all doing a good job of noticing her cues to get her out before she has accidents in the house. She's a sweet thing and I'm happy we decided to adopt her.
I know that there's more, but my brain is feeling addled tonight. Lots of stresses . . .

1 comment:

  1. Wow - sounds very busy but great! I'm so happy to hear the writing is working out - woohoo!

