L is the friendliest child! I've known she was friendly, and had little "stranger danger," but it's been driven home this week. While the boys attend cartooning class, we hang out in the youth museum. There are lots of kids and moms and she absolutely delights in all the people!
One area of the museum has a bunch of small play rooms set up. My boys would always choose to play in an empty room, and would rarely interact with other kids if they entered the room later. L avoids the empty rooms, and seeks out the rooms with other kids!
Yesterday she followed this little boy around, who was about 4 months older than she. He kept trying to get away from her, but she was determined to play with him. She is also free with hugs and loves it when she finds other kids close in size to her.
She totally ignores me in favor of other moms, which makes me sigh a bit. I know it means she's well attached, and feeling safe -- but it also makes me feel a bit funny when she keeps going over to other moms to hand them toys, etc. I guess she doesn't totally ignore me -- she does come back to me quite often to check in, but to me it still feels a bit funny.
Interacting with other people is often exhausting for me, but I can see that I'm going to make an extreme effort for her. I had already decided we were taking a mommy & me music class in the fall, but this week convinced me I made the right decision!
In the past, I always was amazed (ok, and a little put off) by young children who were very friendly. And, now I have one! She is definitely her daddy's girl! He is the social one in our relationship, but I am going to have to make most of the efforts to fill her social needs.
Oh, she's adorable! And that friendly little personality will serve her well in life I bet!!!