
Tuesday, May 20, 2008


My parents left last Monday for a long awaited trip to Hawaii. Tuesday night my father ended up in the hospital with a few issues - the most pressing was his gallbladder (also a gastrointestinal thing and flare up of his diverticulitis.) He never had gallbladder problems before, so this was new and he was pretty sick most of the week. This weekend he developed an upper respiratory infection.

They left late last night to return to AZ, and landed around 7:30 this morning. My DH went to pick them up, and locked the keys in the running van when he hopped out to help them with their luggage. They're waiting for AAA as I type.

When I dropped DH off at the airport a month ago to return to NC, somebody hit our van. I think we'll try and stay away from the airport for a bit now!

My dad had planned to stay in AZ until July, but I'm not sure what will happen now. My mom has to return to WI for work and my dad will likely need surgery for his gallbladder. They don't have doctors out here, so they need to make some decisions about whether to find doctors here, or have my dad return to WI.

I'm asking for prayers for my dad and my parents -- that my dad will recover and that they will be able to discern the best options for his health care. They had a trip planned to Vegas this weekend, but I don't know if they will still go with all that has gone on in the last week.


  1. Anonymous7:39 PM

    I've left a few comments that have uploaded before I had a chance to write that they're from ME - Alexa. Prayers for your Dad!

  2. Anonymous11:43 AM


    I'm so sorry to learn about your Dad being ill. Prayers ascend. On a less importants note, i tried to add you to my googlereader subscriptions and it says your blog desn't have a feed may be because of thos problems you were having with your display maybe?
