L turns one on Tuesday. We're not having an extravagant party -- just a simple celebration with us and my sister. Which is actually happening tomorrow, since we never know if DH will be home for dinner during the week.
On Tuesday, we're meeting her godmother & her son for lunch. And, then we'll celebrate again when my parents are in town in early May.
I picked up a sweet little pink birthday crown -- which I'm hoping she'll wear long enough for at least one picture! LOL! My sister bought her an adorable pink dress with cupcakes along the border. I need to get busy and make some cupcakes for tomorrow's dessert!
It's hard to believe that a year ago today I was on bedrest and worried about her (and my) health. In many ways, it seems the year has flown by and I haven't accomplished much -- but then I look at her little sturdy self, getting ready to take her first step any day now, and I realize I've accomplished a great deal in just caring for her and her brothers.
Melanie, I was so glad to read that last line...the bit where you actually acknowledged the great good you have done for your family this past year. Good for you, and may God continue to bless your family!