
Saturday, February 23, 2008

what is she eating?

Someone asked me what L is eating these days, and I thought I'd post it here so I can remember in the future.

She is nursing 5-10 times a day.

She lets me feed her yogurt and some jarred fruits and vegetables. She much prefers to feed herself however!

She likes brown rice, shredded cheese, pancakes, waffles, peas, cubed pears, cut up bananas, sweet potato spears, mashed potatoes, small pasta, toast, Gerber puffs, cheerios, cubed cooked carrots . . . and whatever else I can cut up small enough for her to eat!

She needs help still drinking from a cup, and does not like the cups that are not open. I don't think she understands the sucking part required from the leak-proof style.

As sick as she's felt lately, her appetite hasn't really suffered.

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