
Friday, February 29, 2008

Alexa's Friday Five

Alexa posted a Friday Five and I thought I'd play along!

1: How many "icons" do you have on your desktop right now?

I just counted and there are 46!

This number varies quite a bit -- when I download a PDF, or modify pictures to post, they go on my desktop so I can find them quickly. Every few days, I will clean up my desktop and get rid of all the extra files.

2: Do you use a laptop or a regular computer to blog?

I have a MacBook.

3: What color is your computer?

It's white.

4: What size screen do you have?

13" (I think?) I also connect my laptop to a larger monitor (20" maybe?) pretty regularly.

5: How many computers are in your home now that you own - and are working?

Four -- in addition to my laptop, DH has a Mac desktop and a PC laptop. The boys have a PC desktop.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Thanks Melanie!

    I miss my macbook....

    but I like my newest laptop too ---
