
Sunday, January 27, 2008


I only walked 4.2 miles last week. I was down with a rotten headache for days, and then I just didn't make the effort. I feel like anything else I write is just an excuse.

I don't HAVE to go to the park to walk -- I can walk 2 times around our neighborhood to get 1.6 miles in. I CAN wait until after 9PM or so when DH is home so I can walk without the boys (i.e. quicker.) If I just call my sister, she WILL come and walk with me after work.

The truth is I didn't make the effort. I'm at a low point right now and struggling. With exercise (obviously), with mothering, with my faith, with just about everything. I need to make some changes, and I need to kick myself in the pants to make them happen.

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