
Tuesday, January 15, 2008


I posted a few posts back about starting to walk for exercise, and how I thought it took me 40 minutes to walk a mile. Turns out the path I thought was 1/3 of a mile is actually almost 3/4 of a mile -- so I walked just over 2 miles in 40 minutes. Still not great, but a 20 minute mile is much better than a 50 minute mile!!

My sister stopped by on her way home from work today, so we took the kids and walked the trail at a nearby park. The boys rode their scooters, and began complaining after the first lap - so we only did 2 laps today.

My short term goal is to walk 3 miles in 45 minutes. I'm not sure if I'll meet that goal by April if I try to walk with the boys all the time, but if I am able to get out without them a few times a week, I should be able to get there. I'll walk longer when they're not with me, and keep working on building speed.

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