
Monday, January 21, 2008


DH & I had an extremely rare afternoon out yesterday to catch a matinee performance of Camelot, with Lou Diamond Phillips playing King Arthur. (thanks to a generous gift from some friends)

Camelot is one of my favorite musicals. I was lucky enough to see Robert Goulet as King Arthur while in college in the early 90's and I have the dvd and soundtrack from the early 60's when Goulet was Lancelot, Richard Burton was King Arthur and Julie Andrews was Guinevere. My love affair with Camelot probably began in high school when we read The Once and Future King by T.H. White.

Back to yesterday, though! My sister bravely agreed to watch all 3 kids, so we left around noon. We ended up getting to the theater with plenty of time to spare, so we walked around and found ASU's art museum open. We had never been, and it was a delightful way to spend 45 minutes. They had some interesting pieces in their normal collection, as well as a fascinating exhibit of turned wood bowls.

The play was well-done and enjoyable. Phillips did a very nice job of Arthur, and the other actors played their parts as expected. The orchestra did a fine job. None of the voices compare to Burton/Goulet/Andrews, however, but that may just be years of listening that caused that bias.

The play could have been awful, though, and it wouldn't have mattered! I was able to spend a few hours snuggled close to my darling without one fight to referee, or baby to feed, or question to answer. This was our first time without any children since well before L was born, so it was quite the treat!

After the play, we made a quick stop into Ted's (so funny to see a place from my childhood in Buffalo here in Arizona) and then sped home to find the boys playing Wii and my sister holding a sleeping L.

Everyone survived while we were gone. My sister told me that L had a couple crying jags, but also slept while we were gone.

I know this was a rare chance and I thoroughly savored it. While I love being the mom and caretaker of 3 children, I miss spending more time just with DH. This chance to connect and *be* with each other was priceless!


  1. Ooh- that sounds awesome! I'm so glad you got to get out and have a great time!

  2. This sounds so wonderful! I'm glad you had a nice time.

