
Tuesday, December 18, 2007


I wrapped and sent the box of presents to my parents today. Almost all other gifts were sent from Amazon with free shipping -- but no wrapping. In years past, we've spent over $100 in postage alone shipping gifts, so I was happy that we spent only $24.10 this year in shipping. We're waiting for DH's paycheck after Christmas to send gifts to his dad & girlfriend and his mom; but I'm hoping to spend only minimal (if any) shipping for those gifts as well.

I had an hour or so today to work on wrapping our family's gifts and got through the majority of them. In years past, gifts from Santa were not wrapped, but this year I decided there were extra elves so they are wrapped. I picked up some wrapping paper with Santa's face all over it from the dollar store and sparkly to/from gift tags. I also was able to sort out stocking stuffers, and was relieved to see that I had plenty. DH's stocking will be pretty sparse, but the kids and my sister will have nice stockings to open. L's stocking will be full of socks and bibs -- the only thing she really needs right now. She will get a couple toys (things I actually had picked up on clearance a few years ago!), but that's all.

We're having lasagna for Christmas Eve, and all I need is ground beef (raincheck from Safeway for sale price.) We've decided to go to midnight mass again this year, a tradition that I grew up with and love. I figure that L won't be able to go next year (or for a few more years), so we may as well go this year before heading back to vigil mass until she's older.

Other than wrapping a few more gifts, I'm ready for the holidays.

1 comment:

  1. It's such a good feeling to have all the presents wrapped and ready, we mum's have so many things to think about at this busy time of year, it's great to just tick something off our lists!
