
Friday, December 21, 2007

infant CPR

I was nursing L late this afternoon, when she suddenly pulled away and began to choke. The scary, silent choke that screams that the air passage is blocked. I immediately flipped her over, did a sweep of her mouth and knocked her on the back. A small piece of black plastic came out, along with a bunch of mucus. She must have had the plastic tucked in her cheek, and swallowed it while nursing.

With my heart racing and my baby screaming, I sat back down in my chair and cuddled her close. Once again, I was grateful for the infant CPR class DH & I took soon after C's birth. While it is something that I hoped never to use - I have used the lessons I learned about choking at least once with each of my children.

I always tell new parents to take the time out of their busy lives to attend an infant CPR course. It's just a few hours -- and the lessons learned last a lifetime -- and probably save a few as well!

L is fine. She finished nursing, then took a nice long nap on my lap. She's sitting at my feet now, tugging at the stuffed ornaments on our Christmas tree.

If you have young children in your life, PLEASE take an infant CPR course. We probably need a refresher course, since it's been seven years since we last took the course. I'm off to search for local classes!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, how frightening for you both! My son is a choker. He is 12 now and he still chokes alarmingly easily. It can be absolutely terrifying. So glad everything worked out okay.
