
Saturday, January 05, 2008

2007 in Review

January -- my parents came for a visit, as well as my cousin V, my dad's cousin from Vegas, my brother (home on leave from Kuwait) and my SIL. We celebrated my dad's retirement.

February -- DH went on a cruise that he was awarded at work. He went with his best friend since I was too far along in my pregnancy to cruise.

March -- I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. I lost weight following the diet, but wasn't able to get the sugars under control without medication. My blood pressure begins to creep up.

April -- My friend, D, threw me an amazing blessing/shower. We attended the annual Easter egg hunt in AJ. We attended the county fair. Our dog died, after a very brief illness. L was born on the 29th, after my blood pressure skyrocketed and I was put on bed rest.

May -- N turned 5. My mom and SIL came to help out. We attended the symphony.

June -- Boys attended summer camps at the Mesa Southwest Museum, the Phoenix Zoo and our parish.

July -- Nothing of particular note happened -- just life :)

August -- We all traveled to WI for my parent's family reunion. We were also able to take a side trip to the Dells, and visit many friends and family we hadn't seen in years. DH & I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary. We baptized L and friends from Milwaukee came to visit. Fall ball started for the boys.

September -- We started our 2nd year homeschooling.

October -- My friend A came for a visit. We attended the symphony.

November -- C turned 7 and I turned 40! My parents came again for another visit.

December -- We took a drive to Flagstaff so the boys could experience snow for the first time.

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