
Sunday, September 23, 2007

A Day in the Life Post

Woke at 1AM to feed the baby. Fell asleep in living room recliner. DH came to bring us back to bed at 3:30AM and woke the baby who decided she must eat again. And woke again at 5AM. And again at 7AM. And again at 8AM.

Around 8:30, DH woke the boys and fed them breakfast and got ready to go to work. I hurriedly dressed, checked the diaper bag for supplies, and hustled the kids over to the baseball park. N played his last tball game for the season (actually, his last tball game ever, since he moves on to coach pitch next year.) L started crying the last 5 minutes of the game. Went over the empty field for the awards ceremony. L continued crying and I had no safe place to nurse her, since there were hundreds of people around the big, empty field and my kids were near their teams. N received a medal. C received a trophy.

C was supposed to play his last game of the season, but L was still screaming, and I was exhausted and I pleaded with him to come home. He agreed. (I'm still guilty over not letting him play the last game . . . )

Stopped at Sonic to pick up lunch. L stopped crying after 3 minutes in the car. Ate my breakfast burrito as driving, as I knew L would want to eat immediately after getting home.

Climbed into bed with L and told the boys they could watch a dvd. DH still at work. Nursed L and dozed while listening to podcasts. DH arrived home around 1 (only one call today, and no sale.) Once DH was home, I fell asleep soundly while L nursed and slept.

Woke around 3. Suggested we go swimming and everyone hopped in the pool. DH suggested we try and get tickets for the D-backs game tonight, but I wasn't interested in dealing with the crowds and the late night for the kids. Got out of the pool around 4:30 and everyone got dressed. I fed L.

Realized we forgot to thaw the chicken we were going to have for dinner. Realized there was nothing else in the house since I need to go to the grocery store. Decided to go to Pei-Wei's ( I love their Vietnamese salad rolls!) Loaded the family into the van and headed over there.

L sat contently through 80% of our meal. I knew she would want to eat, and when C suggested we stop at Barnes & Noble, I agreed. I love that they have nice armchairs throughout the store, and I knew I would be able to easily feed L. Went to B&N and browsed for a while before settling in to nurse. Everyone found at least one book they wanted.

There is an ice cream place next to B&N, so we went in and had ice cream. Drove home and the boys got into their pj's while I fed L again. Watched the end of the Diamondbacks game (they won!)

DH tucked the boys into bed. N got out of bed 4 or 5 times before finally staying put. L asleep for the night around 11:30. DH & I crawl into bed and fall asleep.

It was a pretty nice day! Even though it was a rough night, it was unusual that I got to take a nap -- so it all balanced out.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:19 AM

    I'm just whizzing by the blogs on my blogroll to let ya'll know that I've moved URLs - if you're interested in keeping up with me, which I'm not presuming you are - but do hope you are! Here's the link: Alexa
