
Saturday, September 29, 2007

Blogger Meme

I've been tagged by Deb over at Ukok's Place! (Thanks, Deb!)

1. Do you attend the Traditional Latin Mass or the Novus Ordo Mass?
I attend the Novus Ordo Mass and have never attended a Traditional Latin Mass. There was a notice in the bulletin last week that our former parish is starting to have a TLM and I considered attending, but the Novus Ordo is all I have ever known.

My parents remember the TLM and my mom has mentioned in the past that she missed the Latin hymns - but she doesn't attend mass regularly anyway. I know my great-grandparents and grandparents fully embraced the NOM and I admit I don't understand the fuss that is kicked up by some Catholics. I go to mass to be in the presence of our Lord, and while I am sometimes frustrated by the way certain things are presented (like never going with the responsorial psalm in the missal!), I am blessed that I can sit in the presence of Him.

2. If you attend the TLM, how far do you drive to get there?


3. If you had to apply a Catholic label to yourself, what would it be?
I'm Catholic. That is label enough, isn't it?

4. Are you a comment junkie?
I enjoy receiving comments, but it doesn't make or break my day when I don't receive any! I read many blogs that I never comment on, but I still enjoy reading.

5. Do you go back to read the comments on the blogs you’ve commented on?
Sometimes, but not very often.

6. Have you ever left an anonymous comment on another blog?
Not that I can remember.

7. Which blogroll would you most like to be on?
I don’t want to be on anyone’s blogroll if they don’t want me on it.

8. Which blog is the first one you check?
I usually check my bloglines account first, to see who has updated recently.

9. Have you met any other bloggers in person?

10. What are you reading?
The Awakening by Kate Chopin, The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Toddlers & Preschoolers by Elizabeth Pantley, Brother Sun, Sister Moon: Stories of St. Francis by Margaret Mayo, and too many children's books to list!

Bonus Question! Has your site been banned by Spirit of Vatican II?

I have no idea what that site is ?

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