Sunday, April 22, 2007


This is pretty true for me. I spent more of my life and growing years in the northeast (Buffalo) and midwest (Milwaukee). While I had a southern accent for a time from living in TX, LA and OK - I've mostly lost that as an adult. Living in AZ as an adult, I don't think I have any accent at all anymore :)

What American accent do you have?
Created by Xavier on

Northern. Whether you have the world famous Inland North accent of the Great Lakes area, or the radio-friendly sound of upstate NY and western New England, your accent is what used to set the standard for American English pronunciation (not much anymore now that the Inland North sounds like it does).

Take this quiz now - it's easy!
We're going to start with "cot" and "caught." When you say those words do they sound the same or different?

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