
Sunday, March 25, 2007


How many posts do I have on my blog about cleaning? Hmmm, I probably don't want to know!

I know I've mentioned that I really wanted to get the playroom cleaned out. Initially, I wanted it done before my parents' visit in February. Didn't happen! I've been telling DH that I needed his help and set a deadline of the weekend he came back from his cruise. Didn't happen!

BUT, finally, today -- we made significant progress! Yea!! The 4 of us worked hard for 4+ hours emptying the room, sorting the toys, filling garbage bags, and putting things back. We haven't touched the closet, but I'm at peace with that for now. There are still some things I want to move out (either storage for the baby when she's older, or donation), but the room is definitely company-ready again. DH worked 12-15 hour days all week, and picked up 2 side jobs for tomorrow (he has Sunday & Monday off from his regular job), so this was his only day off and I worked him hard. LOL! I really needed him to lift and move the bigger stuff, though, so I'm glad it worked out and we got so much done.

Tomorrow, the boys and I will tackle their bedroom. We'll be moving toys out of there, and to where they belong in the playroom; sorting out of season / too small clothing; and cleaning out their "treasure" drawers. It shouldn't take nearly as long as the playroom did, and I will be thrilled when it's done.

Our hallway cubby area still needs some work, but a lot got taken care of today with the playroom organization. My plan (and hope) is that we get that side of the house finished this week. I've given up the thought of cleaning out the garage before the baby arrives. I do plan to purge/clean/organize the office before she arrives. I'd like to purge/organize the playroom closet as well, but that will come after the office. We'd also like to rearrange our bedroom before she comes home. I really want to paint (well, I want DH to paint), but that is looking less possible each weekend.

Plans for this week:

  • Monday: schooling (continue unit on symphony, math, reading, spelling, copywork); clean boys' bedroom and do some finishing touches in playroom; laundry
  • Tuesday: schooling (above plus nature journal); finish hallway purge/clean; figure out where to store baby's clothes and cloth diapers; library visit
  • Wednesday: C goes to enrichment program; work on project of placing all our CD's into albums and getting rid of jewel cases; laundry
  • Thursday: field trip to museum; if I have a place for baby clothes/diapers, start that laundry
  • Friday: schooling (above plus art project); C may have a couple friends over for a playdate in the afternoon
  • Saturday: OPEN; regular house cleaning
  • Sunday: my mother's blessing, which I am looking forward to and can't wait to post about!

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