
Tuesday, February 27, 2007

too much effort

EVERYTHING seems like too much effort lately.

DH left Friday night for a Caribbean cruise. He went with my full blessing and wishes for fun -- he earned the cruise through work and unfortunately the cruise line won't let you cruise past your 28th week (I'm 30 weeks tomorrow.) He wasn't going to go, but I encouraged him to do so. It wasn't something we could save for a different time -- the company bought out probably 1/4 to 1/2 of the ship for themselves and this was the only opportunity. He invited a good friend of his to go with him, and I've heard via email that they're having fun. He misses us, as we miss him -- but I'm glad he's having fun. And, if he earns it again next year -- he's not going. (it's only for employees and one guest; no kids - and since I"ll be breastfeeding, I won't be able to go again.)

I had a few errands to run yesterday, but managed to only make it through 3. I got to the post office (THANKS AGAIN, ALEXA!!!!), the dry cleaners, and the library. Oh, and lunch at DQ. I also needed to drop off recycling (2 different places, one for cans and another for paper) and go to the grocery store.

The recycling is still in the van, and Safeway is delivering my groceries sometime this afternoon. Thank goodness for grocery delivery!! This week I also want to get the van cleaned (debating between do-it-myself or spending 10x as much and having it detailed.)

I'm exhausted! My pelvis aches no matter what I do. I waddle around like a duck to attempt to find some relief. This is definitely the hardest pregnancy I've had and I feel so frustrated with myself and my body. I have become a complete hermit; partly because I'm never sure how long I'll be able to last. I almost ran screaming from my hair cut last week because she kept TOUCHING me! (and she's been cutting my hair for years . . . ) I feel like an emotional wreck.

And now I'm done venting : )

We've got some schooling to get through today. C has just a few pages left in his K math workbook and then tomorrow we'll start his 1st grade math workbook. N made the decision to start a K math workbook, so I'm going along with it. They also have an art project to finish up, and C will do some reading. I'm trying to put something fun together to celebrate Dr. Suess' birthday on Friday (but I'm not holding my breath . . . )

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


I resisted an ipod for a long time. When I needed a new computer last summer, Apple was running a promotion for a free ipod with the purchase of a computer . . . and so I ended up with one. DH talked me into spending a few extra dollars to upgrade the free one to a 30G one and I'm glad I listened.

I looooooooooooove it.

Itunes is easy to work with, and I loaded a ton of music onto my little music machine. DH often listens to talk radio, and so he has been listening to podcasts for a long time as well. Talk radio annoys me because I have little patience for the people who call in usually, so I didn't think I'd enjoy podcasts. BUT, I found that I really enjoy podcasts (except when they spend too much time on reader mail . . . but at least I can fast forward!)

A priest from the Netherlands has one that I listen to faithfully (Fr. Roderick and his "Daily Breakfast"), the podcast from the "Catholic Family" in TX is enjoyable, and a few mommy-type podcasts. NPR recently made their program "This American Life" available free! There's a podcast for the "Pray as you Go" website (provides direction/prayer on a daily basis) and just in time for Lent, I found a podcast with the daily mass readings from the New American Bible! And it's all FREE!

I have also loaded up my ipod with kids' books (Jim Weiss' Famously Funny and Fairy Tales CDs, Winnie the Pooh, Paddington Bear, and Mouse Tales to name a few) so I can plug in while we're in the car and the boys can enjoy listening to their books.

I recently added a couple pregnancy/labor support CD's to my playlists, and am working on a playlist that I hope will support/calm/relax me during labor. (Speaking of pregnancy/labor, I'm 28 weeks today! If this babe comes at 36 weeks like N, I've only got another 8 weeks to go!)

My ipod is definitely one of my favorite things!

Monday, February 19, 2007

Happy Birthday to my hubby!

Today is my darling husband's 38th birthday (yes, I married a younger man!)

I'm feeling bad because we didn't really do much for it . . . he ended up going to the doctor and we met with an architect about adding on to our home. He called me after his doctor's appointment, and I asked him if he wanted a cake. He said "no, that's okay" and I said "Oh, well, I was thinking that since you were out anyway you could pick one out for yourself!" He is also picking up pizza for his dinner.

I feel terrible. Thankfully, he doesn't -- he doesn't expect anything, but that just makes me feel worse. His family never celebrates birthdays -- in the 12 years I've known him, his own mother has never even called him on his birthday.

When my parents were here, my mom DID celebrate his birthday . . . she got him a decorated cake and a very nice gift . . . so at least we're not ALL losers. LOL! And the boys did make him adorable cards and we gave him a couple small gifts today.

I usually make more of an effort, but I'm just not up to it this year. NEXT year I will do better.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

worn out

I'm worn out. I feel like a wuss, but this pregnancy is kicking my butt. Physically and emotionally.

I'm grateful my parents were here for a few weeks and helped me out immensely. I'm grateful for a loving and helpful husband. I'm grateful for children who are able to entertain themselves. I'm grateful for the miracle of life.

But, I'm still worn out. :(

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

where I've been

Tons of out-of-town company have blown through this past week and 1/2, with a generous side of family drama to go along with it.

I'm tired, I'm stressed, and I'm grateful that only my parents will be in town after tonight. They'll be here another week, so I expect blogging to continue to be light.

I'm overall doing okay, but a couple bouts of contractions have scared me a bit. I'm trying to keep up my water intake, resting often, attempting to avoid stress (the worst batch of contractions were the direct result of a ridiculously stressful situation) and talking plenty to the babe. She has been told that she has at least 10 more weeks to stay put and I hope she's listening! (I'm 26 weeks today.)

Other than that, all is fine.

A book meme

Seen at Susie's blog

Hardback or trade paperback or mass market paperback?
I usually prefer paperback -- trade vs. mass market doesn't matter, but hardbacks are usually too big/heavy for reading in bed.

Amazon or brick and mortar?
Both! But, I spend much more on books at Amazon, because it's easier to search and order what I want. I do enjoy browsing brick & mortar stores though!

Barnes & Noble or Borders?
Either/Both. Both offer education discounts for homeschoolers, so it's a toss-up. Both are located close enough to shop at easily, so it just depends where I am when the mood strikes to visit a bookstore.

Bookmark or dogear?
I NEVER dogear pages in a book. I use bookmarks sometimes, but usually I remember the page I left off on.

Alphabetize by author or alphabetize by title or random?
Neither. I keep "like" books together - so all my parenting books are together, spiritual books together, novels together, etc.

Keep, throw away, or sell?
I keep quite a few books, and sell some every few months to 1/2 Price Books. I never throw away a book!

Keep dustjacket or toss it?
Toss it.

Read with dustjacket or remove it?
Since I toss them, I read books without ;)

Short story or novel?
I have no real preference - both have their appeal.

Collection (short stories by same author) or anthology (short stories by different authors)?
Same answer as above.

Harry Potter or Lemony Snicket?
I've read 5 of the Harry Potter books and none of the Lemony Snicket books. Harry Potter didn't hold my interest -- was interesting the first few books, but I got bored.

Stop reading when tired or at chapter breaks?
When tired.

"It was a dark and stormy night" or "Once upon a time"?
"Once upon a time"

Buy or Borrow?
Both. If a book is available through our library, I borrow it -- especially novels / fiction / biographies. For reference type books, I'll still borrow first, and then decide if I want to buy it. For kid's books - we buy bunches.

New or used?
New, usually. I'm very picky about used books - mainly because of the smell of some of them. I sniff library books, too, before bringing them home -- if the previous borrower was a smoker or heavy perfume wearer, it stays on the shelf!

Buying choice: book reviews, recommendation or browse?
All of the above.

Tidy ending or cliffhanger?
Cliffhangers are okay, but I prefer books with a satisfying ending.

Morning reading, afternoon reading or nighttime reading?
Whenever I have a spare moment.

Standalone or series?

Favorite series?
Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series or Jan Karon's Mitford Series

Favorite book of which nobody else has heard?
Letters of a Woman Homesteader by Elinore Pruitt Stewart

Favorite books read last year?
My top three from 2006:
Women in the Material World by Faith D'Alusio and Peter Menzel
The Worst Hard Time: The Untold Story of Those Who Survived the Great American Dustbowl by Timothy Egan
Last Days of Dogtown by Anita Diamante

Favorite book of all time?
The Once and Future King by TH White

** I read quite a bit, and enjoy it. Last year, I was keeping track of all books read in a journal - but dropped it this fall. Doing this meme reminds me that I should probably start it up again! It's nice to be able to go back and look at what I've read.