
Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!

I've decided to make just a few resolutions -- more like goals, really!

1. Take better control of our finances. I used to be really good about tracking our income and expenses -- but then times got really bad and it was all I could do to keep our heads above water. I know it might seem that would be the time to keep careful track, but it was just more depressing than anything. We're in much better financial shape now, and I'd like to get back to being more organized.

2. De-clutter the house. I want this done before the new babe arrives, which means I need to get on it! I did start this weekend already, with a good cleaning of the laundry room (which had become a catch-all room.) I still need to go through the shelves in there, but the lower half of the room looks great.

3. Create routines, stick with them, and involve the boys. Ugh, once again, I have to say that I used to be really good about this! But, I've let them slide completely over the last couple years. I know it helped keep my sanity when I had 2 very small children, and I know it will be necessary between homeschooling and caring for an infant in a few months. I've started working on these slowly -- and I know I can implement them fully in the next month!

4. Blog the details. Looking back on posts made this last year, I realize my favorite posts are those where I recall what we did all week -- even when it was just running errands and visiting museums. I know that there are those out there who try to make social statements, or want to post only "meaningful" posts -- but I realize that I want to remember the day-to-day things that make up our lives. Life is in the details, and this blog ultimately is for ME. I also realize the blogs I like best do the same -- I am interested to read about how lives unfold in other families.

We had a quiet New Year's Eve -- finding us all in bed by 10:30. DH is doing a side job this weekend, so he spent yesterday (and today) working and came home pretty wiped out. We've never been big partiers for NYE, though, so it's not a big deal.

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!! May 2007 bring you all that you need, and plenty that you want!


  1. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Happy New Year to you too, Melanie! What is your due date now? I'll be eager to read all about HER!
    I didn't do all that much on NYE, went to the park and watched Roc and Rob skate...and we ate roasted marshmellows by the fire, but we were all home by 9:30pm and I was asleep by 12:14 or so!
    God bless.


  2. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Happy New Year! Good luck with all your goals. :)
