
Saturday, December 16, 2006


Today we plan to put up our tree! B doesn't have any calls today, so we decided to move up a day our tree plans. Last year, we purchased an artificial tree for the first year ever since we've met - but it was a great deal - and my sister is allergic to pine - so I'm still getting used to the idea.

B's office party is this evening, so I'm not sure if we'll finish decorating today or tomorrow. I will update with a picture as soon as we're done.

Other plans for this weekend include adding return labels to our Christmas cards and getting them in the mail, getting out of town gifts wrapped and ready to ship on Monday, and finishing up a few bits of Christmas shopping for the boys and B. OH, I also need to go through my closet and look at the gifts stashed there so I know what I have already! Tomorrow night we'll attend the Luminaria event at the Gardens and I plan to find time to rest as well as I've been feeling a bit peaked the last few days.

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