
Monday, December 18, 2006

Tree and ultrasound

We didn't get the tree up on Saturday as I thought, because I ended up taking a 3.5 hour nap before we headed out to B's office party.

We did get the tree up on Sunday, and I'm pleased that it's done. I love walking into the house and seeing it lit up. The boys love putting on the ornaments that belong to them, and love hearing the story behind all the ornaments. We're at the point now where each ornament has a story. In our first years together, the tree had a bunch of generic ornaments -- it was still pretty (I started out with a gold/white theme and it was beautiful) -- but our tree now is much more meaningful.

Today I had my 2nd trimester ultrasound. The baby looks great, although my placenta is low. I understand that it often moves up as the baby grows, so I'm not going to worry about that. I was happy to see that the baby was moving a lot and appeared to be healthy.

DH & the boys came with me and as soon as the technician started, Nate asked "So, can you see a penis? Because we want a sister. And if you don't see a penis, then we're having a sister!" She thought he was cute and funny and humored him by checking the gender first.

And their wish came true. From all appearances, I'm carrying a girl this time. I'm a little in shock -- I kept thinking how easy it would be to have a 3rd boy -- but of course I'm thrilled that the babe is healthy and doing well.

I told my mom this evening and she immediately responded that she would send a list of acceptable names. I dread this and wish she would cut it out. When I was pregnant with N we had such an argument about names that we didn't speak for 3 days (a long time for me & my mom.) For some reason she feels that she has a say in our choice -- and hasn't figured out yet that she doesn't! I laughed it off this evening, but don't plan to tell her our choice until the babe is born -- just as we did with N.

I did NOT get anything shipped today, and still haven't boxed the things that need shipping. I need to get off the computer and do that now so I can ship the boxes tomorrow morning!


  1. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Wow! A GIRL! Neat!

    Alexa is a GREAT name! LOL

    Congratulations to all!
    God is good.


  2. Alexa! Were you talking to my mom? LOL! She doesn't like either of the names we chose for the boys, and I don't think she's going to like the name we're considering for our girl, either.

  3. First, thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog.

    Secondly, congratulations on the upcoming birth of your new baby girl!
