
Saturday, December 30, 2006

Looking Back on 2006


The boys attended a class at the Desert Botanical Gardens
My cousin had a baby boy


DH turned 37
Hosted a baby blessing for my friend, T.


My brother and his new girlfriend came to visit
Worked on my corner garden in the yard
Took down the bunk beds and went to 2 twins for the boys
C no longer needs pull-ups at night!
C learned to ride a 2 wheeler


I traveled to WI with my sister to attend my brother's wedding
Family attended the County Fair and C had his first try at rock climbing (which he loved!)
Brother left for training to prepare him to serve in Middle East


Hosted baby shower for my friend, D
N turned 4
Traveled to WI again, this time with my boys, for a visit
Friend D had baby boy
Started pool process


C attended VBS at our church
C attended zoo camp
Mural painted in garden


Brother actually in the Middle East
Took mini-vacation to a local resort
DH replaced living room carpet with laminate


Began homeschooling "officially"
C starts enrichment program
Hot tub installed
C & N start t-ball season


Positive Pregnancy Test
Pool Completed!


Attended first in a series of family symphony concerts
Held annual kids' Halloween party
DH traveled to Vegas for awards ceremony for work
Hired cleaning help


I turned 39
C turned 6
Took family vacation to California for everyone's first visit to DisneyLand


Ultrasound showed we're having a girl
Attended Luminarias at the Gardens
Celebrated Christmas

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