
Wednesday, December 20, 2006

In 2007

In 2007…

1. Will you be looking for a new job? Nope, not that I can forsee. Unless changing from a mom of 2 to a mom of 3 means having a new job?

2. Will you be looking for a new relationship? Nope! No way! No How!

3. New house? We're staying put, although DH would like to put an addition on. I think that needs to wait a couple years.

4. What will you do different in 07? I will de-clutter our house BEFORE the new babe arrives in May.

5. New Years resolution? Oh. Well, see above.

6. What will you not be doing in 07? Wondering if I'm pregnant.

7. Any trips planned? Family reunion in WI in August.

8. Wedding plans? I have a cousin getting married in June (I think?) in WA that we probably won't be able to attend.

9. Major thing on your calendar? Missy Girl's due date on May 16!

10. What can’t you wait for? See #9

11. What would you like to see happen different? My house to stay neater.

12. What about yourself will you be changing? Losing weight after baby's birth

13. What happened in 06 that you didn’t think would ever happen? I got pregnant!

14. Will you be nicer to the people you care about? I think I'm already pretty nice, but I can always try harder!

15. Will you dress differently this year than you did in 06? Yes, because the one-piece dresses I wear often don' t go well with breastfeeding. I'll have to switch back to tops and bottoms again.

16. Will you start or quit drinking? When I'm not pregnant, I don't drink often anyway. Although I have been known to have a beer to help the milk production.

17. Will you better your relationship with your family? Family relationship is pretty good at the moment.

18. Will you do charity work? Honestly? Probably not. I imagine 2007 is going to be a year spent mostly at home with my family.

19. Will you go to bars? Nope. Done with that scene!

20. Will you be nice to people you don’t know? Not any nicer than I already am.

21. Do you expect 07 to be a good year for you? Absolutely!

22. How much did you change from this time last year till now? I've got a 19 week old baby growing inside me at the moment - that's a pretty big change!

23. Do you plan on having a child? Um, yea. See most of the above answers. LOL!

24. Will you still be friends with the same people you are friends with now? Yes.

25. Major lifestyle changes? None

26. Will you be moving? Not if I can avoid it!

27. What will you make sure doesn’t happen in 07 that happened in 06? 2007 was actually a very good year for us.

28. What are your New Years Eve plans? Snuggling with my honey on the couch - probably asleep before midnight.

29. Will you have someone to kiss at midnight? Yep, most definitely.

30. One wish for 07? That I'm graceful in my shift to a mom of 3.

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