
Wednesday, November 15, 2006


My cleaning help is here again today.

I still have clutter that needs to be dealt with, but it is so nice to have someone come in and do the floors, scrub the bathrooms, change the sheets.

C turned 6 yesterday. He woke up chanting "I am 6, I am 6, I am 6!" It was so sweet, and made me grateful that we've made it so they can sleep in our room when they want (we have extra beds.) I love waking up in the middle of the night and being able to hear my entire family breathing.

But, back to his birthday. He spent the day saying "This is the first time I've done/seen/thought XYZ since turning 6!" We ran a few errands in the morning, then headed to the zoo, and when the zoo closed we headed to the Botanical Gardens. He requested Subway for dinner (easy!) and his birthday cake has been delayed a bit, so we picked up some Baskin Robbins treats.

He wanted a Cars birthday cake, but we couldn't find any toppers he liked. He did find a shaped cake pan of Lightning Mc!ueen and requested that. Unfortunately, we found it Monday night, and I was too tired to make the cake that night - and Tuesday was too busy. This pregnancy exhaustion is getting to me! He was a good sport about it though, and enjoyed his birthday. As I was tucking him in last night, he said that it was the best 6th birthday ever.


  1. Anonymous8:13 AM

    How sweet! Happy Birthday C!!!!

    He's three months to the day older than Rocky -- who'll be 6 on 2/15!

    God bless.

  2. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Happy belated birthday to him! Sounds like he had a good day. :)

    Hope your pregnancy exhaustion lets up soon.
