They've been counting down the days to Halloween. In our house, it is the start of the season -- 10 days from now is my birthday, then 4 days later is C's, then Thanksgiving, then Advent, then St. Nick's, then Christmas, then New Year's, then Epiphany. We've got a lot of celebrating that will go on in in the next 2 1/2 months!
The boys are both dressing as St. George this year (dragon slaying knight). DH thankfully does not have any late calls, so he'll be able to walk the boys through the neighborhood. They love this tradition, and never even notice when their candy bags are seriously depleted after a week or so! (at least, they haven't in the past. We'll have to see what this year holds.)
I've never been a big fan of Halloween. Our dog goes crazy with all the people coming to the door. I'm not that thrilled with all the people coming to my door! BUT, I know it's fun for so many kids, and I won't spoil their fun. I think it's a shame when people intentionally leave their houses just so they don't have to hand out treats. What's the harm in spending $10 for a couple bags of candy?
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