
Saturday, September 09, 2006

Things I'm Grateful For

In no particular order . . . (inspired by Rachel)

1. My DH
2. My 2 happy, healthy boys
3. Netflix
4. enough money to take care of all the basics, plus some extras
5. homeschooling
6. my family and all their support
7. gentle, cooler winds outside
8. our local library
9. dental insurance
10. kisses and hugs from my children
11. unexpected emails from friends
12. a working washer and dryer
13. our newly installed spa
14. late night snuggle with DH
15. the sound of my children's laughter

1 comment:

  1. Yep! I can read your blog and I liked this post! Suz ;) Glad you can post to mine now too!
