
Tuesday, August 01, 2006

July's Reading List

Another month of reading fluff ;)

Nothing exciting from this month's reads -- mostly books that are easy, fun reads with a couple boring ones thrown in.

(*) "Angel & Apostle" by Deborah Noyes. The premise was of Hawthorne's Pearl growing into a little girl and a woman. It was boring . . . . and horrid in other places. I ended up reading "The Scarlet Letter" 3 times in high school (different schools) and got to appreciate it much more with each reading. This premise could have gone in so many directions, but the author chose to have Pearl end up in a pretty bleak spot at the end. Disappointing read.

(***) "Cotton Queen" by Pamela Morsi. Nice, southern story. Good character development.

(*) "Flamenco Academy" by Sarah Bird. This book seemed like it had great potential, too - but was just one depressing act after another. Everybody was dark and depressing and just boring after a while.

(***) "Death of an Angel" and "Corporal Works of Murders" by Sister Carol Anne O'Marie. More in the series about a nun who finds herself solving murders. Entertaining. These books are hard to find, though, so I am reading them out of order. I happened to find these 2 at Half Price Books a couple weeks ago.

(***) "Death by Design" by Laura Childs. This was a compilation of 3 novels into one book. The main character owns a scrapbook store in New Orleans. Typical of this genre, but entertaining. 3 in one sitting was too many for me though - I was sorta sick of her by the middle of the 3rd book.

(**) "Madame Mirabou's School of Love" by Barbara Samuel. Story about divorce and how it affects people, and supposedly moving on. I'm not sure if the author intended it, but the story played out that it seemed (at least to me) it would have made more sense for all the characters to have stayed in their first marriages and tried harder.

"Fluff" books are often easier to read while chasing children and taking care of a myriad of responsibilities. These books are easy to pick up and put down -- they don't require a lot of thought or even concentration. I admit, however, to being a bit tired of all the fluff lately. I picked up a copy of Charles Dickens' "Bleak House" and plan that to be my first book for August. I have read most of his work, but never got around to this one before. It should be a good, satisfying read!

(Link to complete 2006 reading list)

1 comment:

  1. I keep meaning to go back and look, but I think it was a fairly slow month again for reading (for me). I tend to read quite a bit - always have! If you want to read Charles Dickens, you might start with "The Christmas Carol" A story that you know well already, so it might be an easier slide into his writing! I really love Edith Wharton, too - you should try "House of Mirth" I know you could handle the "old" language just fine - it's really not all that different. I thought of you today when one of the characters in BH said she was "bored to death!" Something we still hear quite often today!
