
Monday, June 26, 2006

flying pigs & St Patrick??

C started Vacation Bible School today. I was excited because our parish is using a program that was written specifically for Catholic parishes -- Growing with the Saints. I was also excited because the saint being used this year is St. Patrick - and being 1/2 Irish - I have a special place for St. Patrick! So far, so good, right??

Well, I pick C up and I see all these pig crafts . . . he made a pig mask and a pig magnet for the refrigerator. Some of the other grades made pig banks. I asked him "So, why pigs?" and he told me that God had sent flying pigs to bring St. Patrick honey. That was as much of the story as he could recall for me.

I never heard this story before? Can any of my readers help me out? I did a quick internet search and can find no link between flying pigs and St. Patrick. I was expecting shamrocks and snakes -- not flying pigs!

I do plan to ask the priest tomorrow for more information about this story - but just wondering if I'm the only one puzzled?

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