
Monday, April 17, 2006

some favorite links

Thought I'd share some fun links today.

Both boys absolutely love the replay feature at this site:

ArtPad Painter

The Easter bunny left these in the boys' Easter baskets. I think they're pretty cool! Fast shipping, too!

Bumby Name Labels

I listen to this on my computer now - still need to figure out why I can't get it on my MP3 player - but I enjoy listening!

Pray As You Go

Ok, I confess. My boys don't know how to tie shoelaces. I always buy shoes with velcro or slip-ons. I know they could learn; I just haven't taken the time to teach them yet. This site has 16 different ways to tie shoelaces! Maybe I'll get motivated.

Shoelace Knots

This is a time-waster. The boys have fun with it, too, though.

Falling Sand Game

This treat combined 2 of my brother's favorite things -- twinkies & sushi. I made these for the brunch the day after the wedding. He laughed when he saw them, and even gamely tried one. (they tasted weird!) But they were fun!! I hope my dad took a picture, because I didn't :(

Hostess Sushi

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