
Thursday, April 06, 2006

Holy Week Meme

Lent is almost over and this Sunday is Palm Sunday already! I thought it would be fun to share what we do special to commemorate the Passion and Resurrection of Our Lord. (seen at Happy Catholic & SFO Mom)

1. What do you do with your new blessed palm from Palm Sunday?

I don't know what happened to last years! This year, we'll make crosses from them and tuck them by our beds. I better tell B since we won't be attending mass together this Sunday.

2. What do you do with your old one from last year?
see above - I don't remember. I'll do better this year!

3. What do you do during Holy Week in preparation for Good Friday?
We'll hopefully attend Good Friday mass as a family. Don't really have many other plans for the week.

4. How do you commemorate Christ's Passion on Good Friday?
See above. We'll fast on Good Friday as well.

5. When do you color Easter eggs?

We may do this on Friday, or perhaps Saturday. The boys love hard-boiled eggs, so I may do 2 dozen this year.

6. When do you buy Easter candy?
I've been buying bits & pieces for a few weeks now. We don't do a lot of candy, but instead put toys and small items in the baskets with just a bit of candy. I don't like waxy, cheap chocolate, so I spend the extra money to get fewer pieces of quality chocolate for their baskets.

7. What is the first thing you plan to do Easter morning?
Roll out of bed and watch the boys hunt easter eggs in the backyard. This year, we left the bag of plastic eggs from last year on the patio for the Easter Bunny to pick up on Ash Wednesday to prepare for Easter. It was a fun way to start Lent for the kids.

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