The boys & I play this little game. I'm not sure when we started it - but I'm pretty sure since before Nate could talk much.
One of us will say "I love you more than all the (fill in the blank) in the world!"
The other responds with "Wow! That's a lot!! I'm so lucky!"
And the first will say "Yes, you are!" and sometimes (but not always) the other responds with their own "I love you more than . . . "
I love the things the boys come up with! Just today I was loved more than all the apple juice in the world, more than all the drinks in the world, more than all the elephants in the world, more than all the grass in the world, more than all the noses in the world and more than all the pillows in the world.
Can I just say how very lucky I am?
You certainly are! What a sweet game!