
Friday, September 16, 2005

7 Days . . .

Next Saturday morning, we leave for California!! On Sunday, we'll board the ship. I am so excited and just can't wait. It'll be the longest DH & I have spent together in years . . . how sad is that?

I had a mini-meltdown this week over the class I'm taking online. I'm too tired/distracted to do my work after the kids go to bed (8:30/9PM) and I don't have any other time when they're not needing something. Unfortunately, I don't do well with constant interruption when I'm trying to work. I really need a good chunk of uninterrupted time to focus and create decent work. With B never being available, it just doesn't happen. My sister took the day off work today, though, and took the boys for a good 4 hours. I got 2 assignments done and turned in and am good until after our cruise!! I still have research and work to do this coming week, but no deadline breathing down my neck until October.

OH! We picked up our cruise documents this week and found out we have an extended balcony off our room!! That will be so nice! B & I will have someplace to sit & not have to be stuck "in" the room after the boys go to sleep at night. I can't believe our luck!

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